Read here and here. The infamous, never-before-seen, IPCC climate model prediction of scary, positive AGW-feedback has now been vanquished by scientific empirical research. NASA's researchers have just pushed the button of detonation, which will likely hasten the collapse of the IPCC's version of "climate science" upon itself.
Simply stated, the IPCC's Climategate scientists and computer models conjured up the scary prediction of a 3 to 5 degree Celsius temperature increase from a doubling of CO2, along with requisite, speculative, calamitous events of biblical destruction proportions. But now the latest research finds that CO2 doubling causes an increase of only 1.64 degrees, which is within the range of outcomes that skeptical scientists have been saying for decades.
Per physicist Luboš Motl, the NASA researchers, Bounoua et al., concluded the following:
"The article in Geophysical Research Letters combines their climate model with the feedbacks linked to vegetation, especially evapotranspiration - the sum of plant transpiration and evaporation from leaves...What is their result?...The resulting climate sensitivity attributed to the CO2 doubling from 390 ppm today to 780 ppm expected in 200 years from now (under business-as-usual) is just 1.64 °C - less than a Celsius degree per century or so. This figure is below 2 °C, the low end of the interval guessed by the IPCC." [Note: study's authors - L. Bounoua, F. G. Hall, P. J. Sellers, A. Kumar, C. J. Tucker, M. L. Imhoff (2010)]
From another publication comes this:
"A group of top NASA boffins says that current climate models predicting global warming are far too gloomy, and have failed to properly account for an important cooling factor which will come into play as CO2 levels rise...According to Lahouari Bounoua of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, and other scientists from NASA and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), existing models fail to accurately include the effects of rising CO2 levels on green plants. As green plants breathe in CO2 in the process of photosynthesis – they also release oxygen, the only reason that there is any in the air for us to breathe – more carbon dioxide has important effects on them...In particular, green plants can be expected to grow as they find it easier to harvest carbon from the air around them using energy from the sun: thus introducing a negative feedback into the warming/carbon process. Most current climate models don't account for this at all, according to Bounoua. Some do, but they fail to accurately simulate the effects – they don't allow for the fact that plants in a high-CO2 atmosphere will "down-regulate" and so use water more efficiently."
Based on this newest research, we now know the following:
- The climate models are definitely, and spectacularly, wrong.
- The IPCC (and the UN's Cancun conference) is wrong.
- Al Gore and all other leftist/liberal/progressive hack politicians are wrong.
- Stupid, greedy billionaires are wrong.
- Hollywood celebrities and MSM reporters are wrong (okay....nothing new here).
- Self-righteous, self-misinformed, lame "science" writers are wrong. (Dudes, climate models are not science; they're fancy spreadsheets projecting non-empirical, non-proven output about as scientific as a Ouija board or a crystal ball output.)
- Catastrophic positive climate feedback is wrong.
- Powerful, negative climate feedback is correct.
- 31,000+ skeptical scientists are correct.
Additional postings about the climate models. Other peer-reviewed postings.