Read here. As has been well documented, the economic impacts of California politicians and regulators has been astoundingly negative - jobs and prosperity are fleeing the state. The California Air Resources Board is probably the most aggressive agency in terms of stopping economic and job growth with its crazed and non-scientific decisions regarding CO2 emissions.
Per the obvious CARB craziness, one has to wonder if CO2 emissions actually cause bureaucrats to become dumb and dumber. The recent stated objective to mandate auto manufacturers to reach 60 mpg by 2017 is an exceptional case of dumbness, besides being clear evidence that no business entity should ever trust the word of California regulators, and we mean ever.
"“We were very surprised when environmental groups called for 60 mpg because just last year we worked with the Obama administration and the State of California and environmental groups to agree on a new national standard that would reach over 35 mpg by 2016, and before we’ve even achieved those new heights, in fact, before the program has even taken effect, there are already calls for almost double the mileage,” said Gloria Bergquist, vice president of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, a trade group that represents General Motors, Ford Motor Co. and 10 additional auto manufacturers."