Read here. As most U.S. conservatives and libertarians (and a growing number of middle-of-the-road independents) recognize, the decades long fear-mongering about global warming has nothing to do with climate change risk. It's all about the objectives of power, control and money, and the Copenhagen/Cancun conferences have been the elites' means to accomplish these objectives.
The recent Wikileaks release of diplomatic cables reveals and proves that climate change risk is not the driving force behind the fear-mongering of the world's elites. Of course, there has been ample evidence of that for years.
Now, we have a peer-reviewed article by climate scientists that cleary documents the real concerns of those vested in climotology research: "Where's the money?" It's defintely a case of more-toys-for-the-boys mindset, and the climate science pork machine "we want it now" mentality, despite the known evidence that climate models don't work (which they even admit in their study).
Toward a New Generation of World Climate Research and Computing Facilities (Shukla et al. 2010)
"This paper is part of an ensemble of papers proposing an international multidisciplinary prediction initiative.....Since current climate systems models are not able to provide predictions with adequate accuracy and detail, climate prediction needs to be revolutionized to be able to fulfill society’s expectations……We recommend the creation of a small number (at least three) of highly connected multinational facilities with computer capability for each facility of at least 20 petaflops in the near term, 200 petaflops within five years, and 1 exaflop by the end of the next decade.....Soon the societal demand for policy-relevant climate predictions will be so great that the most advanced technology and the best available talent must be brought to bear to address this great challenge. The time to begin that process is now!" [J. Shukla, T. N. Palmer, R. Hagedorn, B. Hoskins, J. Kinter, J. Marotzke, M. Miller, J. Slingo, 2010]
"The Shukla et al paper perpetuates the top-down global model driven perspective to provide regional and local information to the resource communities.....The expenditure of large funds for a small set of computer centers devoted to multi-decadal climate predictions therefore, in my view, is a very poor use of tax money."
Additional peer-reviewed study postings. Other climate model postings.