Read here and here. Although it is empirically obvious that temperatures world-wide have increased from the trough of the Little Ice Age over the last two centuries, the level of temperature increase that NASA claims is in the realm of scientific fraud. Unfortunately, temperature fabrication has become a very misleading and black art at NASA.
In order to influence policymakers about the "reality" of global warming, NASA fabricates temperature charts like this one for Honolulu.....,
which is obviously disconnected from the actual temperature reality. (click on images to enlarge)
This type of disgraceful scientific evidence tampering by NASA has so blemished the reputation of science, a group of prominent and empircal-based scientists are now taking direct action to establish a credible and objective record of global temperatures. A record that policymakers and the public could actually believe, and potentially act on - based on reality, not the exaggerated falsehoods being currently fabricated.