Read here. The crazed crowd of AGW believers, fanatics, disciples and propagandists have for years wrongly claimed that global warming causes more severe weather events. As C3 readers are very aware, the actual empirical evidence does not support that claim whatsoever. In addition, even the AGW theory does not support the claim that global warming will cause extreme weather.
That last sentence is verified by a statement from Gavin Schmidt, a very prominent NASA climate scientist:
"There is no theory or result that indicates that climate change increases extremes in general."
As Luboš Motl (one of the world's premier physicists) explains in his article, the global warming theory better supports the claim that less severe climate extremes will be the result of warming. Why? AGW theory calls for the polar areas to warm more rapidly than the tropical areas. That result means the temperature difference between polar and tropics is lessened. If the temperature difference shrinks, the potential for severe weather shrinks also.
In a nutshell, that is actual weather science that all scientists agree on.
Soooo, why does the speculation persist that global warming causes more severe weather despite known science and empirical evidence? Well, the UN's IPCC political agenda requires a propaganda strategy of continuous lies and misconceptions to take root and thrive. Otherwise, it becomes very difficult to convince policymakers and the public to go along with draconian economic policies that reducing CO2 emissions require. And, as the crazed belief in the Soviet Union proved conclusively in the 20th century, leftists/liberals relish in the 'Big Lie' concept, in all its anti-science trappings.