Read here. This awesome display of frakking ignorance and stupidity about global warming and weather by an "elite" scientist is simply stunning. Per this episode of TV "science," is it any wonder that Democrats/liberals/progressives, who live, breath and die the mainstream media political agenda, are by far the dumbest citizens when it comes to science issues? (BTW, Virgina, there is no goblin living under your bed, autism is not caused by vaccines, GM foods are not dangerous to your health, and global warming is not current reality.)
"Kaku showed up on the CBS Early Morning show on Groundhog day, and it sure felt like it. Essentially parroting his opinion blog from last week, Kaku eloquently, as if reading from the Presidential TelePrompter, butchered the field of climate science in his tortured explanation of global warming fueled snowstorms. Please, someone from the Climate Change Rapid Response Team issue a press release with all of your names on it repudiating this nonsense.....No. The Gulf of Mexico does not have “increased temperature”. It is actually historically, anomalously cold right now. Does he know that the non-stop infiltration of Arctic cold blasts actually chills the Gulf of Mexico? The La Nina has cooled the entire planet due to changes in the tropical eastern Pacific. It’s anomalously cold as well, as cold as it ever was in the past 30-years or maybe more."
Dear ignorant liberal: Instead of watching celebrities tell you what to think about science, turn off the progressives-boob tube and go read some peer-reviewed articles. Give your brain some food, please.