Read here. The UK's highly publicized Stern report on global warming impacts has been analyzed extensively and now finds itself on the ash heap of likely fraudulent, totally misleading economic/science research.
Based on the flood of AGW rubbish coming out of Britain, one wonders if the UK's elites and ruling class have taken a blood oath to assure their country is viewed as the island of messianic idiots and imbeciles; or, are they just attempting to enrich themselves by impoverishing their subjects?
A new World Bank study by scholars has this summary of the hysterical, Lord Stern AGW climate-impact "research":
"Given empirical evidence about the link between climate and damages, climate change is calculated to increase the damages from these five extreme events by between $11 and $16 billion a year by 2100. There is little supporting evidence that climate affects deaths from these events.....These values are completely consistent with estimates in the literature per extreme event. However, they are completely inconsistent with values stated by Stern (2006) who suggests that extreme event damages could be 0.5 to 1.0 percent of GWP by 2050. Oral statements by Lord Stern even suggest values as high as 5 percent of GWP by 2200. The Stern analysis has been criticized because it confuses changes caused by what is in harms’ way (baseline changes) with what is caused by climate change (Pielke 2007b). But even this mistake cannot justify the estimates by Lord Stern. The hypothesized damages quoted by Lord Stern are completely inconsistent with empirical evidence." [Robert Mendelsohn and Gokay Saher - pdf here.]
In addition, Roger Pielke, Jr. states:
"These studies underscore the fact that efforts to try to pin claims of attribution of recent events to greenhouse gas emissions are empirically groundless, even if symbolically and emotionally satisfying. We are going to have to proceed into the future without knowing the influence of greenhouse gas emissions on extremes."