Both global warming proponent, scientist Phil Jones, and AGW dissident, scientist Richard Lindzen, agree on one thing: there has been no statistically global warming over the last 15 years. They each made this assessment prior to 2011. With the February 2011 global temperature recently announced, their previous assessments are solidly affirmed.
In fact, there has not been statistically significant warming over the last 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30-years, ending February 2011. The gold standard of NASA technology, the best-of-breed global temperature measurement system, reports that long-term global warming over the last 30 years is essentially non-existent.
This lack of global warming over three decades is completely contrary to the AGW theory that mandates that atmospheric temperatures must rise substantially (significantly) due to the known massive increase in human CO2 emissions. The actual non-warming is also contrary to the UN's IPCC predictions, and all the "expert," billion-dollar climate models' predictions (click on images to enlarge)
Update: See additional information at bottom.
Not only has there been no global warming, as measured by NASA's satellites, the NASA satellites have also not measured a significant increase of water vapor (relative humidity) in the atmosphere, which is also mandated by the AGW theory. (source of below chart here)
Additional information for temperature chart.
#1. Last 5 years (60 months) anomaly difference since February 28, 2006; #2. Last 10 years (120 months) anomaly difference since February 28, 2001; #3. Last 15 years (180 months) anomaly difference since February 29, 1996; #4. Last 20 years (240 months) anomaly difference since February 28, 1991; #5. Last 25 years (300 months) anomaly difference since February 28, 1986; #6. Last 30 years (360 months) anomaly difference since February 28, 1981.