What is the real reason that global warming hysteria has failed? Why will voters never support CO2-reduction policies, passed by legislators or imposed by regulators, that raise energy prices even higher, decreases economic growth, and then depreciates the quality of life at the same time? Okay, here's three:
The public is very aware that the world has not significantly warmed over the last 15 years; that the seas have not risen up and created a flood of refugees; that polar bears are not going extinct or even dying in droves; and, that tropical forests are not disappearing (unless they are being cut down to grow biofuel crop income for the investment portfolios of Al Gore and George Soros). None of these hysterical claims (or others) from the global warming, 'CO2-is-evil' alarmists has come true. Why? Well, it's due to those above three numbers.
Okay, what are those three numbers?
In the realm of empirical evidence and statistics, they are recognized as pathetically low R-squared numbers. When a R2 is below 0.5, impartial, objective-based scientists will most likely reject the cause and effect predictive relationship that the number supposedly represents. When it's below 0.2, scientists absolutely know there is no cause and effect.
What is the 'cause and effect' these numbers represent?
These numbers represent the relationship between levels of atmospheric CO2 and global temperature change (respectively, in order, NCDC, HadCRUT and NASA (UAH) satellite temps). These are the R2's for the 15-year period ending in February 2011, and clearly denote a non-relationship between higher CO2 levels and global temperature increases. (Note: Over the last 15 years CO2 levels have increased 8% yet temperatures remained, for all practical purposes, unchanged. That type of relationship produces a low R2.)
In essence, the empirical, statistical, and anecdotal evidence does not even come close to supporting the hypothesis that higher CO2 levels are causing accelerating warming, which hypothetically results in the aforementioned catastrophic events, and others frequently mentioned.
The general public realizes this non-relationship intuitively, despite the never ending, hysterical claims of the left/liberal/progressive/Democrat partisans. The public and voters are now unwilling to sacrifice their quality of life based on the UN's CAGW "science" bogosity that seemingly only results in enriching and empowering a select few, while having almost zero impact on global temperatures, per the actual science, by the way.
In summary, the Obama EPA's ClimateCare science is even more bogus than the flagrant ObamaCare rationale used to pass the despised big government takeover of U.S. medical care. It's time to eliminate the EPA's potential to do more damage to the economy than the non-existent, CO2-induced "accelerating" global warming.