If the New York Times had a headline similar to the above faux one, would it really surprise anyone?
In recent years, the left/liberal controlled mainstream media has made every effort to blame any tragic, negative event, change and/or trend on global warming and/or evil Republicans and conservatives. Likely, it won't be long before the New York Times, Washington Post or other similar outlet finds an "expert" or Hollywood celebrity or an elite Democrat claiming global warming is the cause of Japan's earthquake.
For the well informed citizen though, global warming is off-the-hook as the earthquake culprit (click on image to enlarge). Palin and the evil Republicans? Well.....they may still be in the MSM crosshairs as the biased, moronic reporters try to connect those dots to the earthquake tragedy.
Once the left's MSM realizes the AGW and Palin angle won't work with the public, they may start to finally look at natural factors, such as lunar tidal forces, as a potential cause. Interestingly, there is one scientist who actually predicted the recent New Zealand eathquake based on lunar tidal forces.