Read here. Soot (black carbon) is the definitive biofuel air pollutant that is known to cause illness and premature death for millions. It is known to cause a major percentage (90%) of Arctic ice melting. It is known by scientists to cause approximately 50% of global warming. And yet another study, by Kaspari et al., confirms from an analysis of Mt. Everest ice cores what has been documented before: biofuel soot is known to be melting the Himalayan glaciers and will threaten the water supplies of billions.
"The authors write that "black carbon (BC, the absorbing component of soot) produced by the incomplete combustion of biomass, coal and diesel fuels can significantly contribute to climate change by altering the earth's radiative balance,"....." but that in spite of these facts, BC still remains "one of the largest sources of uncertainty in analyses of climate change.".....developed a high-resolution BC record spanning the period AD 1860-2000 from a Mt. Everest ice core extracted from the East Rongbuk scientists determined that "BC concentrations from 1975-2000 relative to 1860-1975 have increased approximately threefold, indicating that BC from anthropogenic sources is being transported to high elevation regions of the Himalaya.....say their findings suggest that "a reduction in BC emissions may be an effective means to reduce the effect of absorbing impurities on snow albedo and melt, which affects Himalayan glaciers and the availability of water resources in major Asian rivers."" [Kaspari, S.D., Schwikowski, M., Gysel, M., Flanner, M.G., Kang, S., Hou, S. and Mayewski, P.A. 2011: Geophysical Research Letters]
And what do the IPCC's climate models have to say about black carbon? Despite all the peer-reviewed research and well known evidence, the climate models don't include the impact of soot in their calculations. Thus, the "rocket science" climate models created by non-scientific programmers are inherently inaccurate.
Additional soot-aerosol, climate-model and peer-reviewed postings.