Read here. The UN's IPCC failed effort at climate science has been a public relations nightmare since the divulging of the infamous Climategate emails. Revelation after revelation (Climategate et al.) reveals the IPCC leadership to be seriously lacking in scientific ethics and a solid moral compass of right and wrong, actual and perceived.
"We have every right to expect these people – these arbiters of scientific truth – to behave in an upright and impartial manner. It isn’t good enough for them to claim they’re rigorous and balanced. They must conduct themselves as though this were the case. Their behaviour must be beyond reproach. They must give us no reason to suspect they are anything less than scrupulously evenhanded...The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), I’m sorry to say, fails this simple test. Its personnel do not remain aloof. They do not treat their assignment with the care and reverence it deserves. Instead they pal around with the red team (environmental activists). Even worse, they invite members of the red team into the deliberation chamber."
That Climategate et al. IPCC leaders have retained their positions after all the revelations is a true travesty, which seems to be the the UN's bête noire it excels at: think the Congolese rapes scandal or think Saddam and the UN's oil-for-food scandal or more recently, think of Libya's position on the UN's Human Rights Commission.
A never ending travesty that the IPCC contributes to.