Read here. Alarmists, and their mainstream media collaborators, have been predicting for decades that global warming induced climate change will cause more frequent severe weather events, resulting in ever growing economic losses from disasters. Do their predictions have scientific merit though?
Despite the world warming since the late 1970's through the late 90's, experts and scientists have been unable to find evidence of what alarmists have predicted about weather-related economic losses. A 2011 study published by Neumayer and Barthel confirms the stark, naked reality: the alarmists were wrong, again.
Although a massive, abrupt climate change could cause incredible damage and losses, modern climate change from recent warming is a condition that humans readily adapt to.
"Authors investigate the question, "Has economic damage from natural disasters increased over time?"...they did a global analysis using a global database of more uniform quality compiled by the reinsurance company, MunichRe, for 1990-2008. They also undertook separate analyses for developed countries, developing countries, U.S and Canada, Western Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and South and East Asia...they looked at evidence for trends in economic losses from (a) all natural disasters, and (b) all weather-related disasters.....Regardless of which normalization method is used, the researchers found no significant upward trend in normalized economic losses for either all natural disasters or weather related disasters. This was true at the global level, for developed countries, developing countries as well as for the specific regions that were examined." [Neumayer, E., and Barthel, F. 2011: Global Environmental Change]
Additional failed-prediction, severe-weather and peer-reviewed postings.