Read here. Scientists examining the output of the IPCC's climate models discovered that that the models were incapable of "consistent" predictions regarding cyclone activity in the Northern Hemisphere. In other words, the multiple models were all over the proverbial map, lending credence to the observation that climate models are worthless, especially to policymakers.
The fact that no hurricanes have made landfall in Florida over the past 5 years, a new record, is an observational testament of prediction incompetence associated with the "expert" IPCC climate models.
"The authors introduce their study by noting that "understanding the characteristics and trends in summer cyclones is important not only for understanding mid-latitude weather systems and extreme events, but it is also important for understanding the Arctic hydrological cycle and radiation budget.....In an attempt to get some feel for the degree of confidence one should place in the projections of state-of-the-art climate models in regard to these subjects, Land and Waugh say they examined "the robustness of trends in Northern Hemisphere (NH) summer that they could find "little consistency" among the sixteen models they studied. In fact, they say "there is no consistency among the models as to whether the frequency of hemispheric-averaged summer cyclones will increase or decrease."" [Chang Lang and Darryn W. Waugh 2011: Journal of Geophysical Research]
Additional peer-reviewed and prediction-failure postings.