Climate Lie: "Professor Kennedy said that the doubling of the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere over the past 50 years is “like hitting our ecosystem with a sledge-hammer”"
Climate fact: Over last 50 years ending 2010, atmospheric CO2 levels have increased approximately 23%, not 100%.
Please Note: C3's definition of a climate-change lie(s): A statement by an individual/organization that misleads by exaggerating unknown future climate conditions/impacts; or, misleads by using non-verifiable, unproven, non-substantiated climate model predictions/claims as evidence or fact; or, misleads by misrepresenting the actual empirical climate evidence/observations; or, misleads by conflating empirical evidence and claims an unproven relationship; or, misleads by extrapolating data across extended time periods and geographical distances; or, misleads by using one-time, extreme events as proof of a trend; or, misleads by avoiding known informational context that makes their claims/predictions/speculation irrelevant, immaterial, or of flatulent nature.