Read here. IPCC experts predicted that polar species would be harmed and threatened as the oceans in the higher/lower latitudes changed to a lower pH ("acidification") due to human CO2 emissions. Based on recent peer-reviewed studies, this prediction seems to have been conjured up without any robust empirical evidence or experimentation to support it.
New research by Ericson et al. found that two Antarctic species they studied did not suffer the predicted harm that has been the simple speculation spread by IPCC "experts".
"..."investigated the effects of present-day pH 8.0, predicted ocean surface pH for the years 2100 and 2300 (pH 7.7 and pH 7.3, respectively) and an extreme pH (pH 7.0) on fertilization and embryogenesis in the Antarctic nemertean worm and sea urchin..."..."as in a number of other studies, that gametes appeared relatively robust to pH change, especially to changes within the range predicted for the near future (i.e. a decrease of 0.3-0.5 pH units)," and they state that their initial findings "do not support a view that polar species are more affected by lowered pH compared with temperate and tropical counterparts (as has also been shown for the later developmental stages of S. neumayeri (Clark et al., 2009))."" [Jessica A. Ericson, Miles D. Lamare, Simon A. Morley, Mike F. Barker 2010: Marine Biology]
Additional species-threat, ocean-acidification and peer-reviewed postings.