Read here. California's politicians who favor big government solutions have placed the state's economic climate into a death spiral, much of it due to new environmental regulations. These regulations are simply driving business away from the state, leaving wholesale economic destruction in their path.
"Ideas matter, particularly when colored by religious fanaticism, wreaking havoc even in the most favored of places. Take, for instance, Iran, a country blessed with a rich heritage and enormous physical and human resources...Then there’s California, rich in everything from oil and food to international trade and technology, but still skimming along the bottom of the national economy. The state’s unemployment rate is now worse than Michigan’s...Among the nation’s 20 largest metropolitan regions, four of the six with the highest unemployment numbers are located in the Golden State: Riverside, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco...In California green zealots compel companies to shift their operations to states that are still interested in growing their economy — like Texas. The green regime is one reason why CEO Magazine has ranked California the worst business climate in the nation."
California's politicians and bureaucrats have literally become possessed by a fundamentalist green ideology, combined with an irrational fear that they will perish from "global warming" (see chart to left, click to enlarge) due to the evil carbon dioxide molecule.
The incredible green stupidity, "warming" hysteria and irrational behavior of California's politicians have had horrendous economic consequences for that state, which are undeniable.
The empirical evidence is so clear cut, so stark, so obvious that there is no way a national politician would even think of following the crazed, hysterical green environmental regulations that rained down economic destruction on California, right? You'd be wrong, though.
Views of GOP presidential contender, George Romney:
“I believe the world is getting warmer, and I believe that humans have contributed to that,” he told a crowd of about 200 at a town hall meeting...“It’s important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may be significant contributors.”
Romney is of the same ilk who have caused the greatest state to become the largest economic wasteland in the U.S. The man is not fit for the Oval office while being possessed by, and embracing, the green radical agenda.