Read here. Over the last 15 years, the alarmists and IPCC Climategate scientists have been predicting a significant warming of sea surface temperatures due to the vast increase of human greenhouse (CO2) gases. This was the supposed no-brainer, "consensus" prediction that government and bureaucrat elites swallowed hook, line and sinker.
Yet, over that time span, the guaranteed "warming" trend has been essentially non-existent, other than extended warming spikes due to strong El NiƱo phases. The two charts below indicate the lack of a significant warming trend for ocean waters, globally, over the last 15 years.
The left chart represents the Southern Hemisphere seas, and the right chart, the Northern Hemisphere. Per the IPCC consensus climate science, this feeble level of "warming" (cooling?) was not supposed to happen. (click on images to enlarge)
Clearly, policymakers and the public have been seriously misled by unproven climate science techniques, non-verifiable climate models, and researchers solely devoted to increased government AGW-research funding.
Additional modern and historical temperature charts. Failed-prediction postings.