Read here. Recently, Willis Eschenbach did a devastating piece on Joe Romm's anti-science, specifically taking him to task for the ludicrous claim that atmospheric CO2 levels are exhibiting "super-exponentially, accelerating" growth. Willis does an excellent job of explaining real, empirical science to Romm in regards to CO2, and below we add a few more charts that further expose the lunacy of typical left/liberal/progressive/Democrat anti-science, which Romm exemplifies. (click on images to enlarge)
The three charts above depict atmospheric CO2 growth in different formats. Indeed, the CO2 levels are increasing, per the seasonal corrected measurement data since late 1958. The growth of CO2 level is fairly monotonous, and, yes, the growth rate has increased over time.
But there is absolutely no objective, numerical evidence that CO2 growth is on an exponential path, let alone a "super-exponential, accelerating" growth, whatever the hell that is since it's non-scientific terminology (did we say anti-science propaganda yet?). Ooops...ahem...The Romm claim of super-exponential growth is pure anti-science propaganda!
In addition, way back in summer of 1988, James Hansen provided testimony that if CO2 levels continued growing in a "business as usual" manner, the globe would suffer from significant warming. On the top chart above is marked when Hansen's testimony occurred, which clearly indicates Hansen's prediction (a non-exponential prediction, btw) about CO2 growth was prescient. His CO2 prediction was at least reality-based, unlike Romm's anti-science ramblings.
And fortunately for the world, Hansen's climate model temperature prediction, and leftist scare hypebole, that global temperatures would warm significantly due to "business as usual" was an utter failure, as we now know.
Update: Total CO2 emissions through 2010. "Business as usual" growth, but not exponential.
Addtional greenhouse gas postings and greenhouse gas charts.