Read here (h/t Climate Depot). The EPA and the Environmental Defense Fund are promulgating quack green statistics, such as the over-the-top lie that 17,000 annual deaths are due to electric utilities pollution. Plain and simple, it's fabricated, quack statistics - totally fraudulent, with not a shred of empirical evidence in support of it.
This environmental lie is reminiscent of other leftie/greenie lies, say the infamous 50 million climate refugees or Kofi Annan's global warming's 300,000 deaths per year bogosity, which have been throughly debunked.
Steve Milloy of puts it this way:
"“Show me the bodies.”...The EPA says air pollution kills tens of thousands of people annually. This is on a par with traffic accident fatalities. While we can identify traffic accident victims, air pollution victims are unknown, unidentified and as far as anyone can tell, figments of EPA’s statistical imagination."
"Consider that the EPA and its enviro-buddies are essentially accusing coal-fired utilities of killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of people annually. Have you ever wondered why there are no class-action lawsuits against utilities for billions of dollars in damages?...Apparently, even trial lawyers have no confidence that EPA science holds up to scrutiny."