In recent years, winters in the Southern Hemisphere have been especially miserable, and it is happening again in 2011 for multiple countries. Examples of the brutal winter weather abound, including: Peru, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Argentina and Paraguay. (Update 7/27/11: More info on Australia autumn/winter weather; South America here; South Africa here. Update 8/1/11: Australia and more South Africa)
If global warming is actually happening, how is it that the Southern Hemisphere (S-H) winters are not becoming more mild as expected? (click on image to enlarge)
In reality, the S-H has not had any significant warming in over 15 years, and appears to be entering a cooling phase, which may explain the winter weather becoming worse.
The adjacent chart reveals a flat linear trend (green line) for S-H temperatures that goes all the way back to March of 1996. That's over 15 years (through May 2011) that the data clearly show no significant and no material warming for 50% of the world.
The aqua fitted curve indicates the recent cooling trend being experienced.
In contrast to the real-world, hard data of climate science (i.e. empirical evidence) the alarmist claims of "unprecedented," "unequivocal" and "accelerating" global warming are outright false, and should be immediately dismissed as blatant propaganda. Although the die-hard cultists will never stop denying the lack of global warming, the scientific proponents of AGW are now finally admitting that global warming is not global, nor is it warming.