Read here. (h/t Tom Nelson) Let's face it, the American people are ready for a presidential candidate who demonstrates a strong appreciation for the empirical facts and who is not going to be bamboozled by the media elites nor the taxpayer funded, entrenched bureaucrats on major policy issues.
Jon Huntsman is not that presidential candidate as he is unwilling to accept the actual empirical evidence on global warming. As a result, he will not stop the EPA policy of destroying American competitiveness with their big government, anti-CO2 jihad.
Don't believe that? Hey, let's review the real Jon Huntsman, in all his faded likeness of Obama.
“"We’re not going to win a national election if we become the anti-science party,” John Weaver, Huntsman’s chief strategist, said in an interview Wednesday. “The American people are looking for someone who lives in reality and is a truth teller because that’s the only way that the significant problems this country faces can be solved."
Jon Huntsman believes global warming is "global" whereas the empirical evidence is conclusive: there is no global warming, it's regional in nature, and the lack of warming in the U.S. over the last 15 years is a clear example of that. Helloooo....Americans aren't burning up over this cooling trend, Mr. Huntsman. (see below chart)
Jon Huntsman believes that warming is a result of human CO2 emissions and that the globe is endangered, necessitating U.S. economic suicide to save Gaia. But wait, uh oh, it seems not even the world has warmed in the last 15 years; and, another uh oh, it looks like levels of CO2 have no relationship with temperature changes. Damn those pesky empirical facts. (see below chart)
Jon Huntsman believes the bureaucrat scientists on the public dole, who are saying and doing everything (including fabricating data) to protect their incredible global warming gravy train. In contrast, the American people don't believe the global warming exaggerations and hysteria from these same scientists. Why? Because it's obvious these "scientists" have a definite conflict in interest that pushes them to conveniently ignore or dismiss away the actual empirical evidence. It's understandable for the bureaucrats - it's simply money and job security vs. honest science. And we all know which way the bureaucrat it going to tilt with that choice.
Jon Huntsman is just another Obama. As in, the facts are ignored. The "experts" are believed. The voters desires are unheeded. And voila, what did we get? We got a socialist, government-run ObamaCare jammed down our throats, which Americans did not want.
Now we have Jon Huntsman ignoring the climate facts. He believes the Climategate "experts." And he will definitely not do what the voters want. He instead will allow the EPA to aggressively pursue the draconian CO2 policies to the detriment of the U.S. and its citizens.
Jon Huntsman is Obama II. That's why he has such little Republican support and why the coastal liberals/Democrats love him. In the real world though, the American people are saying no more Obamas - enough of the elites' incompetence and left/green ideology of the coastal anti-science crowd.