Read here. (h/t Tom Nelson) There are disciples that march in lock step with every leftist/progressive command. There are souls who never quaver in singing from the totalitarian hymnal.....Then there are the Al Gore lapdogs barking his faux-green hypocrisy, shedding his climate crocodile tears, spewing his anti-science propaganda - like Steve Colbert.
While some 69% of Americans now reject the blatant lies of Gore, there are still the Hollywood useful idiots who can't stop believing - like Steve Colbert.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of lefties/Democrats are seemingly incapable of examining the facts and actual empirical evidence about the climate, instead mindlessly believing Al Gore and his team of 'liar dudes.'
As we pointed out before.....
- 'Liar dudes' claim CO2 levels directly control (like a "thermostat") global temperatures and it doesn't.
- 'Liar dudes' predicted accelerating warming, which is not happening.
- 'Liar dudes' said warming was unequivocal, which has turned out to be robustly fabricated.
- 'Liar dudes' said modern warming was unprecedented, with only a falsified, lame hockey-stick as evidence versus hundreds of other studies.
- 'Liar dudes' said sea level rises are accelerating, which they're not.
- 'Liar dudes' said that warming is global, which it never has been.
- 'Liar dudes' said severe weather is increasing and it's not.
- 'Liar dudes' said weather disasters are the worst ever and they are not.
- 'Liar dudes' said the climate and its impacts could be predicted and they can't.
- 'Liar dudes' said that climate models are to be trusted and they shouldn't be.
- 'Liar dudes' said 97% of climate scientists agree, which is statistically true but an utter lie at the same time.
- 'Liar dudes' claimed there is a scientific "consensus" on global warming where one has never existed.