Read here. Is it any wonder that the liberal/left/progressive/Democrat political spectrum is falling out of favor with the public when there are clowns like Nye, Masters, McKibben, Gore and others pushing their anti-science and anti-prosperity agendas.
Dr. Ryan Maue does an excellent fisking of Bill Nye's TV performance/science regarding Hurricane Irene. It's not pretty.
"But Bill Nye takes the “anti-science” crusade to a new level by showing up on Fox Business...and embarrassing the hell out of himself. Once you watch the video and read the transcript, you will be left in amazement at his utter lack of comprehension of the topic at hand on national television!...The left actually thinks Bill Nye is a brilliant ambassador for their brand of global warming alarmism — a legitimate guy that understands the science and can articulate an explanation. However, Nye has no credentials or expertise with respect to global warming and hurricanes, at all. Not one iota."