Read here. Well...with the announcement of the CERN cosmic/cloud experiment results, in combination with the recent satellite measure results that confirms climate sensitivity to CO2 to be exceptionally low, the "consensus" CO2-AGW theory is now rapidly mainlining towards the mounting ash heap of consensus thinking and conventional wisdom.
The vast majority of hard-science research scientists are now coming to the belief that the climate models used by the UN's IPCC and major climate agencies are seriously in error, based on this latest research and empirical evidence. This questioning of the CO2-based climate models has recently come to the forefront in recognition that the models and climate modelers appear to have literally no skill in climate predictions, meaning that the models are in need of major revisions.
"Climate models will have to be revised, confirms CERN in supporting literature..."[I]t is clear that the treatment of aerosol formation in climate models will need to be substantially revised, since all models assume that nucleation is caused by these vapours [sulphuric acid and ammonia] and water alone."
CERN is the world's premier home of some 8,000 top-notch scientists and they are the ones who made this critically acclaimed cosmic/cloud experiment possible. As their results clearly show, the climate science is far from being "settled" and the "consensus" on AGW is non-existent.
In regard to Jon "call me crazy" Huntsman, the liberal/left/Democrat choice to be the Republican's presidential candidate, who has called AGW critics 'anti-science,' this leaves him with a major problem reflecting on his incredibly poor judgment regarding the field of climate science. If he is to maintain the moronic green/left dogma that only human CO2 causes global warming and climate change, his only course is to denounce the actual CERN climate experiments as more Republican anti-science.
Other Republican candidates should gleefully (and aggressively) point out that Huntsman is indeed 'crazy' because he refuses to accept the latest climate research and empirical evidence that proves natural forces are the primary forces driving warming and climate change, not the trace gas CO2.