Read here. (h/t Tom Nelson)
"A recurring theme of the green argument for ‘urgent’ and ‘strong’ action on climate change — usually also an argument for circumventing the democratic process — is the claim that ‘science says…{insert fatuous pseudo-scientific statement here}’...It’s a fig leaf, this device. It hides the bearer’s shame: his authoritarian impulse, his bad faith, moral bankruptcy, and intellectual vacuity." [C3 Ed. note: read the whole piece at Climate Resistance]
Recently, we wrote about 'cool dudes' versus 'liar dudes' that points to the multiple instances were global warming alarmists have essentially no empirical evidence to back up their hysterical claims.
To get around this major inconvenience, and to truncate debate as quickly as possible with skeptics, the 'liar dudes' mostly rely on the ill-advised left/liberal/progressive retort of "science says".
Fortunately for the world, the bogosity of the "science says" meme has resonated throughout the public despite the billions spent on this style of alarmism propaganda - people literally no longer believe this type of B.S. statement. Way to go, 'liar dudes'!