Despite the claims of a handful of crank scientists, the Washington Post, and a few big government tax and spend Republicans (Romney & Huntsman), the predicted dangerous sea level increase from human-caused global warming has not taken place. In reality, the actual sea level has recently declined, which may be connected to the fact that global temperatures have been declining since 2003.
The chart on the left represents the latest EU satellite measurements (published on August 19) since 2003, which clearly shows "accelerating" sea levels to be literally bogus climate science propaganda. (click on images to enlarge)
The right chart represents the latest HadCRUT global temperatures during the same time period, along with the atmospheric CO2 levels. It's very obvious that increases of atmospheric CO2 have little, if any, impact of temperature changes. The red curve shows actual temperature cooling since 2003, which was not predicted by a single crank "expert" climate scientist.
The recent climate empirical evidence does not support the claim that global warming and climate change are of imminent danger to society. In fact, the evidence points to the potential that global warming is morphing into global cooling.
For any presidential candidate to claim that global warming exists as a danger to the world, and must be a priority to "fix," should never be allowed to set foot in the Oval Office. This country cannot afford another president who would trash the American economy and jobs because of an unsubstantiated theory and fixation that is not supported by clear, hard, brutal facts.
It's got to stop: No more presidents pushing WMD or AGW speculations/hysteria, with over-the-top catastrophic predictions that have needlessly drained the treasury, and torn the country's fabric and common objectives. We need a president who will keep the stupid and the hysterical out of the Oval Office, once and for all.
Additional modern temperature and sea-level charts. Historical and fabricating-fake temperature charts.