Read here and here. (h/t Tom Nelson) The climate alarmist science fiasco continues. Turns out the empirical evidence backing the peer-reviewed claim that polar bars are drowning because of lack of ice turns out to be non-existent. Now that the truth about polar bears is coming to the forefront, the mainstream press is not too interested in the story.
Although the mainstream press is not the least interested in the actual scientific merits of any climate issue, they are certainly quick to push on the public the unsubstantiated disaster hyperbole that is fabricated by needy climate scientists. The meme of the "polar bears are drowning" is a classic example of worthless journalism and shoddy, climate alarmist science.
Money quote from the Nature science journal web site:
"Drowned polar bears have not been reported by other scientists, but the hypothesis that a long search for sea ice makes it more likely that bears will get caught in stormy weather and drown is regarded as plausible."
Unfortunately, for the public, this science journal and the mainstream press now almost exclusively rely on "plausible" and pure speculations by scientists who are seeking new funding for their research. For these "elites," opinions, not facts, are the new coin of the scientific realm. Hey, why bother with the expense of empirical evidence when one can fabricate "science" and get it published by the media hystericals?
Note: Do you read Nature or Science? Don't bother to waste your time unless you think there is value from "press release science." Because of green/left/liberal political agendas, truth and objectivity often gets smothered by these publications.