Read here. The IPCC and associated Climategate scientists have claimed that human-induced global warming was producing unprecedented storm activity, with greater frequency and intensity. Using the geological activity of the Outer Banks barrier islands, Mallinson et al. was able to determine that storm activity over the last 100 years was actually less than that of both the Medieval Warming Period and the Little Ice Age - ergo, the claim that storm activity is unprecedented is false.
"The authors write that "the Outer Banks barrier islands of North Carolina, USA, contain a geologic record of inlet activity that extends from ca. 2200 cal yr BP to the present," which they say "can be used as a proxy for storm activity."...five U.S. researchers say their comparisons suggest that "the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and Little Ice Age (LIA) were both characterized by elevated storm conditions as indicated by much greater inlet activity relative to today," and they say that "given present understanding of atmospheric circulation patterns and sea-surface temperatures during the MWP and LIA, we suggest that increased inlet activity during the MWP responded to intensified hurricane impacts, while elevated inlet activity during the LIA was in response to increased nor'easter activity."" [David J. Mallinson, Curtis W. Smith, Shannon Mahan, Stephen J. Culver, Katie McDowell 2011: Quaternary Research]
Previous severe-weather and peer-reviewed postings. List of severe weather events and severe weather charts.