Read here. Map source here. The infamous "expert consensus" that has been proven wrong on so many occasions has another climate prediction fail.
Climate scientists had claimed that sea ice coverage in the Bering Sea would shrink due to global warming and that the warmer waters would be less productive for marine life. Research by Brown et al. finds both predictions to be wrong.
"Regarded as one of the world's most productive marine environments, the Bering Sea is widely thought to be rapidly warming and losing sea ice...Results show that, rather than declining, mean annual sea ice extent in the Bering Sea has exhibited no significant change over the satellite sea ice record (1979–2009). Furthermore, significant warming during the satellite sea surface temperature record (1982–2009) is mainly limited to the summer months...we speculate that Bering Sea primary productivity is likely to rise under conditions of future warming and sea ice loss." [Zachary W. Brown, Gert L. van Dijken, Kevin R. Arrigo 2011: Journal of Geophysical Research]
Previous failed-prediction, sea-ice and peer-reviewed postings.