Read here. The notoriety of Obama's and the Democrat's green job fiasco is finally being picked up by the leading pulpit of green-leftism in the U.S. - the New York Times. The gullibility and idiocy represented by the article brings a certain level of schadenfreude as greenie/leftie/liberal cope with the obvious, yet continue to pursue a failed strategy they do excel at: wasting taxpayer monies.
"In the Bay Area as in much of the country, the green economy is not proving to be the job-creation engine that many politicians envisioned. President Obama once pledged to create five million green jobs over 10 years. Gov. Jerry Brown promised 500,000 clean-technology jobs statewide by the end of the decade."
Rather than adding jobs, the study found, the sector actually lost 492 positions from 2003 to 2010 in the South Bay, where the unemployment rate in June was 10.5 percent.
Federal and state efforts to stimulate creation of green jobs have largely failed, government records show.
Job training programs intended for the clean economy have also failed to generate big numbers...$59 million in state, federal and private money dedicated to green jobs training and apprenticeship has led to only 719 job placements — the equivalent of an $82,000 subsidy for each one."
Previous green-job postings.