Read here. The left/green coalition has conjured up the boogieman termed "ocean acidification" to instill fear in the hearts of liberal/progressives "elites" that marine life will be adversely affected by greater emissions of human CO2. Based on the ocean acidification fears, Yu et al. conducted research on sea urchin babies larvae immersed in water with lower values of pH to determine its impact on larvae growth and well being.
The research found that sea urchin larvae were not impacted by levels of increasing "acidification" of sea water that some have predicted will represent ocean waters 100+ years from now.
"Yu et al. state that "the observed developmental progression and survival of cultures was within the norm typically observed for this species at this temperature range." In addition, they indicate that "a lack of developmental deformities at early stages for pCO2 ~1000 ppm has been previously reported for this species..." And they say "there are even reports that survival is increased in this species and its congener S. droebachiensis under some low pH conditions..."...conclude, that "the effects of small magnitude in these urchin larvae are indicative of a potential resilience to near-future levels of ocean acidification."" [Pauline C. Yua, Paul G. Matsona, Todd R. Martzb, Gretchen E. Hofmanna 2011: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology]
Note: Yes, indeed we know larvae are not 'babies' and we also know that polar bears are not 'cuddly' as the greens like to portray.
Previous ocean-acidifcation and peer-reviewed postings.