Read here. (h/t Tom Nelson) The green left/liberal/progressive bias of the mainstream press is certainly amazing, blatant and astoundingly bad. The MSM, led by the Times, will stoop sooo low that they even will praise dictatorial tyrants because a family member says the politically correct words about global warming.
Honestly, is it any wonder that your typical Democrat responds in such nonsensical ways when they dedicate themsleves to the daily, holy ritual of reading garbage reporting of the NY Times like this:
"“Climate change is a global problem, but global solutions start with local solutions,” he said in faintly accented English. Societies, he said, should be built in a way that allowed them to reduce greenhouse gases. “The day will come when oil will run out, and if we wait for that it will be too late,” he said. The man — part scholar, part monk, part model, part policy wonk — was Saif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, the powerful 33-year-old son of Libya’s extroverted and impulsive president, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.""