Read here. (h/t Instapundit) The progressive, big government politicians and their bureaucrat cohorts are as committed as ever to make normal day-to-day life as miserable as possible.
The banning of incandescent light bulb manufacture in order to force consumers to an inferior product is a example of the petty, nanny-state big government that greens and other control freaks lobby for and enact. Their entire objective is to provide the legal means for bureaucrats and police forces to further interject anti-liberty pettiness into the daily lives of all.
This classic Audi ad on the left was a humorous portrayal of what our lives will be like under the green boots of big government, 24/7 pettiness; the video on the right provides a real world glimpse of those pathetic, anti-liberty bureaucrats drunk on the power of pettiness, emboldened by state troopers to strip basic freedoms from Americans.