Update: Came across this by pure accident. It appears to be the incident discussed below last week at 'C3'. Way, way too gruesome, if true, ugh.
Read here. Two innocent Russians, just minding their own business in the wilderness, were attacked and killed by a brown bear. Their deaths occurred on the Kamchatka Peninsula where 18,000 brown bears reside. These brown bears are some of the biggest bears in the world.
The Kamchatka Peninsula includes the southernmost region of Arctic tundra in the world. (map source here)
Speculation is that the brown bears can no longer cross the tundra to hunt because it is melting and way too mushy from global warming. They are very angry about this and are lashing out at humans in their midst, whom they blame for the warming. Besides being pissed about AGW, they can get very hungry due to their now having to walk around the tundra - a seriously bad combination if you're a nearby human. /sarc
Travel recommendation for non-wilderness tourists: Don't travel to areas you're clueless about that is also inhabited by large, mean, pissed-off and hungry carnivores.