Read here. (h/t Tom Nelson) The green hysteria movement led by such shrill and depressing personalities as Al Gore, Joe Romm and Bill McKibben would make any young person feel pathologically hopeless, irritably moody and very angry. And as prisoners of government run education propaganda institutions these young people get a double, and sometimes triple, dose of daily hysteria about the world dying off because of global warming. The end result?
A young generation that doesn't give a crap since life will soon end for them because almost certainly Gaia is going to kill them off at a early age - as they were made to believe. With that attitude instilled by the lunatic greens, is it any wonder that they go off and riot against the establishment?
Maybe it's time to start holding each and every green organization legally responsible for the needless hysteria and over-the-top fearmongering they publish and proselytize, no?
"Got kids? Watched as they've been indoctrinated - sorry, I mean educated - about global warming over the last decade? Then you'll know what I mean. They come home from school moodily depressed about the future of our planet and, of course, what that means for their own lives. What's the point? We're all doomed! Why study? Why bother getting an education? It's futile. Sea levels are rising. Temperatures are soaring. Soon we'll all be living in a polluted hell-hole constantly battling the equivalent of the Queensland floods or the Victorian bushfires year upon year. And you want me to waste what precious time I have left studying accountancy?...It's called nihilism, and it's even more terrifying to witness in your teenage children than hickeys, drunkenness, truancy, insolence, idleness, bad marks or bullying. Nihilism, or the conviction that life on Earth is totally pointless, saps the young of their energy, their ambition, and their will to strive, struggle and triumph."