Read here. All of the major climate models predicted that the billions of tons of CO2 emitted by humans over the last 60 years would cause the oceans to warm in an "accelerating" manner. It's not happening, though.
A critical measurement of ocean climate is its heat content. The newest data from NOAA reveals ocean heat content has flat-lined over recent years, contrary to "expert" climate model predictions. (click on images from Bob Tisdale to enlarge)
"And as many are aware, Climate Model Projections of Ocean Heat Content anomalies did not anticipate this flattening. Figure 2 compares the ARGO-era (2003 to present) NODC Global Ocean Heat Content anomalies to the GISS Model-E Projection of 0.7*10^22 Joules per year. The linear trend of the observations is approximately 7% of the trend projected by the model mean of the GISS Model-E."
Previous ocean-warming and failed-prediction postings