Let's say you're a global warming alarmist. You are convinced that increasing CO2 levels has resulted in accelerating temperature change, producing the infamous "runaway," and the out-of-control "tipping point" of global warming.
Helloooo.....you're wrong, big time. (click on chart to enlarge)
The IPCC's gold-standard global temperature dataset reveals, per the adjacent chart, that modern 10-year (120-month) temperature changes are not accelerating higher, nor are they absolutely higher. For example, AGW alarmism predicts that the January 2011 temperature anomaly would be exceptionally higher than the 2001 January temperature anomaly. In fact, it was lower. How can that be?
Clearly, as the above graph depicts, increasing CO2 levels do not necessarily cause accelerating temperature increases as the AGW theory predicts. Why?
Okay.....time to be blatantly objective: The CO2-warming prediction theory is the direct result of the UN's IPCC political committee, which conducts zero climate science research on its own - instead, it only seeks opinions that supports its own theory. A UN theory that no known empirical data supports, literally.
As a result, the IPCC would never, ever share the above HadCRUT temperature change graph with the public. Think about it. Honestly, why would they ever reveal real-world facts that contradict their own specifically chosen theory?
Additional modern, historical and fabricated-fake temperature charts.