Reading numerous postmortem election articles this morning and this one caught our attention.
"We look forward to working with them to solve our country’s most pressing environmental problems, including global climate change. As the President declared last night, ‘We want our children to live in an America ... that isn't threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet.’"..."As the historic storm just reminded us, we have no time to waste; we must get serious about climate solutions in order to protect our loved ones and communities from terrible impacts -- extreme weather disasters, droughts, heat waves, and other dangerous consequences of global warming. Especially in the wake of Sandy, which demonstrated that doing nothing about climate change is much costlier than taking action, this issue clearly should be a top priority for our leaders in government.”
The main priority of 'C3 Headlines' over the last few months has been to make it politically impossible for the global warming alarmists to inflict untold damages on the economy and American families.
To accomplish this task, Americans had to at least elect a GOP-controlled senate, and better yet, elect a GOP president who would stop the EPA from further damage. Thus, 'C3' in recent months has devoted its attention more to the political realm in an attempt to aid the GOP's likelihood of success.
Unfortunately, that did not work out so well. With the reelection of Obama and a Democratic Senate, in combination with an out-of-control EPA, the 'die is cast,' irreparably.
Over the next two years (prior to the 2014 mid-terms) the UN's "climate change" and green-fundametalist's agenda will triumph. Green cronyism and subsidized-failures (Volt, anyone?) will prosper. Empirical-based science will continue to wither, and science fraud, perpetuated by the media and academia, will be championed.
It's going to be ugly, starting with the new taxes.