The former American Geophysical Union (AGU) leader on scientific integrity, Peter Gleick, confesses to being the antithesis of integrity - will the AGU now perform a slap-on-the-hand cover up of one of its own?
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Read here. The seemingly never ending corruption of the American "elite" science establishment again blasted into the public conscience with fraudster Peter Gleick's confession of climate change / global warming science related malfeasance.
Based on recent experience of the investigations of scientific wrongdoing in the realm of "consensus" global warming science, the official whitewash (coverup?) and the usual condoning (the-ends-justify-the-means) rationale will likely fall into the laps of Gleick's former "integrity" AGU comrades. And the members of the integrity (exoneration?) task force are:
- David J. Chesney, Michigan Tech University, Houghton, Michigan
- Floyd DesChamps, Alliance to Save Energy, Washington, DC
- Karen Fischer, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
- Tim Grove, MIT Earth Atmosphere & Planetary Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Linda Gundersen, USGS, Reston, Virginia
- Noel Gurwick, UCSUSA, Washington, DC
- Dennis Moore, NOAA/PMEL, Seattle, Washington
- Arthur Nowell, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
- Len Pietrafesa, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina
- Jeff Plescia, Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, Maryland
- Peter Schuck, NASA/GSFC CODE 674, Greenbelt, Maryland
- Jagadish Shukla, Geo Mason-Center Ocean/Land Atmosphere, Calverton, Maryland
- Vivian Weil, Center for Ethics, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois