The outright evidence of climate liars and climate lies within the science, government and press continues to grow (google Fakegate), which may be symptomatic of an 'anthropogenic global warming obsessive compulsive disorder' - AGWCOD
Read here. Peer reviewed research has newly identified the 'AGWCOD' syndrome, which may help explain why global warming hysteria has been such a powerful lure within the elite circles of scientists, bureaucrats, the mainstream press, Hollywood celebrities and the wealthy.
"The main result is that...28 percent...of the patients suffer from the AGWOCD (anthropogenic global warming obsessive compulsive disorder). These patients were, among other things, checking their appliances "to reduce global warming". That's a pretty high percentage. The global warming hoax has become such a powerful component of the mental pathogenes in our environment that it is beginning to prevail in a whole major mental disease."
Clear indicators of the disorder include a fanatical belief that modern temperatures are "accelerating," are "unprecedented" and "unequivocal," all of which have proven to be empirically false. In addition, this global warming / climate change disorder requires a blind faith acceptance of climate catastrophe predictions that are known to be demonstrably false by objective science and research experts.
Indeed, this newly recognized mental illness may be the root cause of the preponderance of climate liars and climate lies that has become a global plague, which, btw, the mainstream media is at the forefront of condoning. (More evidence of why the press should not be trusted.)
The AGWCOD influence has become so bad that journalists are even publicly debating whether the public should be told the truth about climate change or continue to be told the global warming lies and misrepresentations by liars. (I am not making this up!...the mainstream press journalists actually now admit to not telling the truth about climate science and climate change.)
Conclusion: Climate liars and climate lies are the currency of the realm of elites, and unfortunately that has resulted in the public's growing mistrust in science, government and the press.
Climate science facts the mainstream press hides or misrepresents: fabricating fake global warming, modern and historical temperature charts.