Failed Leadership: Progressives start calling for defeat of Obama – shades of the Tea party
Govt Cover Up: Not even Jon Stewart buys Obama's DOJ B.S. on 'Operation Fast & Furious"
Govt Cover Up: UK papers - "Fast and Furious scandal is turning into President Obama's Watergate"
Left/Liberal/Progressive Policies: Oil reserves are soaring but Democrats create "peak-oil" shortages – idiotic policies insure costly energy & reliance on foreign oil
Biased Media: MSNBC & Andrea Mitchell edit video to mock Romney – one should never be surprised at what ‘press’ low-lifes will do for partisan reasons
Incompetent Govt: Obama seeks to go back to the 1950’s - but the economics and demographics are all wrong
Failed Leadership: Like Carter, Obama unable to lead or manage effectively – Democrats always blame other to cover their incompetence
Occupy Fail: Democrat Elizabeth Warren’s OWS movement in its death throes – a pitiful, pathetic failure
Stupid Democrat: White squaw trash running for U.S. Senate has a Google problem
Stupid Democrats: Cutting off their collective noses despite their....defending Obama's use of executive privilege for flimsy reasons could come back to haunt
Stupid Elites: Their incredible mismanagement of EU may lead to new ‘Dark Ages’ – unleashing misery & resentment via anti-democratic means
Wasteful Govt: FBI sends 10 agents to find out racial views of George Zimmerman
Smart Diplomacy? Mideast diplomacy failure means Obama has to send troops to Persian Gulf
Biased Media: Politico reporter says Romney only comfortable around “white folks” – has no comment on blacks frequently assualting “white folks” in Chicago
Other News/Helpful Ideas: Turn your Gmail account into a super social network
Other News/Helpful Ideas: Protect yourself from Google search – privacy is your responsibility
Other News/Helpful Ideas: The supplement called ‘Saw Palmetto’ aids those with enlarged prostates – new studies support