Incompetent Govt: Australia chooses to emulate the basketcase known as California - cannabilized by green-welfare-utopianism politics
Voter Fraud: Obama’s AG is not aware that Federal courts require a photo ID to enter – but Democrat Holder thinks it's racist to require a photo ID for voting
Evil Govt: Obamacare ‘death panels’ are a necessity to control costs – articles in Newsweek & Time confirm it’s all about saving money by letting Granny die
Obamacare Fail: A newly discovered annual fee will increase insurance premiums by billions – 85% of fees will be paid by those making less than $100,000
Corrupt Cover Up: Obama’s AG again refuses to answer questions about ‘Operation Fast & Furious’ cover up – this time though a Senate Judiciary Committee member call for his resignation
Left/Liberal/Progressive Govt: Obama voters explained by this simple video – taking away your freedoms & liberties is the goal
UN Internet Tax: United Nations wants to apply global tax on U.S. companies like Google & Apple – tax would only apply to U.S. companies not their international competitors that proposed it
Terrorism: Obama administration secretly meets with Jihad group that’s on the FBI bad-apple list
Evil Govt: Obama’s State Dept. chooses to embrace the desires of despots & dictators – State purges ‘religious freedom’ section from its Human Rights reports
Incompetent Govt: Obama provides in depth analysis of U.S. economic stagnation
Incompetent Govt: The real reasons for the U.S. economic stagnation - increased national debt, costly new regulations, impending Obamacare, threat of new taxes and massive business uncertainty about what Obama will do next
Obamacare Fail: Expert studies estimate that between 11 and 35 million people will lose their insurance coverage – many private employer plans will disappear because of Obama/Democrat regulations
Left/Liberal/Progressive Hate: High school principal refuses to let former Marine give invited motivational speech at commencement – accuses veteran of being “a right-wing conservative”
Self-Education: The whys & hows of the financial mess that the EU and U.S. find themselves in
Some Good News/Helpful Ideas: New study finds that reduced Vitamin D levels in blood impairs body immune function
Some Good News/Helpful Ideas: Instead of buying dental insurance consider Dental Price Clubs
Some Good News/Helpful Ideas: Need a copy of a lost manual for a product or appliance?