Liberalism Is Dead: As Democrats bitterly cling to their “-isms”, the Liberal ideology is dying an ugly death
The Racism Card Played: Congressional Black Caucus states that opposition to Obama’s big government, moronic economic policies is racism – gee, what a surprise that Democrats like Maxine Waters et al. would say that
Crony Capitalism: Conspiracy of Obama & Big Pharma’s drug lobby – passing Obamacare was egregious example of direct quid pro quo payoff (ie, collusion/corruption)
Special Interest Govt: “Hollywood made me do it” – Obama’s advice comes from some of the most worthless humans in existence
Biased Media: Koch brothers give $7 mil to colleges and mainstream media rants & raves about lost academic freedom – George Soros gives $400 mil and no media rants & raves
Union War: Private sector unions battle the overpaid, obnoxious public sector unions - in NY, trade union sides with business and politicians
Broken Promises: Obama spending tax dollars on luxury upgrade to Gitmo for prisoners – guess it won’t be closed as he promised
Anti-Religion: Nancy Pelosi amazingly claims that Catholic bishops don’t represent the Catholic Church’s views – Democrats hate of religious freedom really makes them say incredibly dumb things
Evil Govt: China tightens Internet regulations & control – the NYT’s Tom Friedman’s favorite authoritarian regime does not like freedom of opinion
Failed Politics: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow admits Democrats can’t win with their ideas & polices – need unions to strong arm voters
Left/Liberal/Progressive Politics: Democrat candidate for Congress refuses to denounce slime-ball attack ad – just incapable of doing the right thing
Legal Thuggry: The prosecutor in Trayvon Martin death case has some serious issues – well known legal experts speak out about her
Nanny-State Govt: While U.S. obesity increased, sugar intake from soda consumption fell by 39% - facts contrary to NYC mayor fear-mongering
Some Good News/Helpful Ideas: Free ways to stream video from your computer to your phone or tablet
Some Good News/Helpful Ideas: New study from John Hopkins School of Medicine finds Vitamin C lowers blood pressure significantly – Big Pharma and their lackey bureaucrat puppets hate Vit. C
Some Good News/Helpful Ideas: New study finds that workers who exercise regularly earn 9% higher salaries