Failed Leadership: Obama goes to Hollywood for his 150th fundraiser
Govt Cover-Up: Obama’s Attorney General again stonewalls Congress – Holder refuses to answer questions about ‘Operation Fast & Furious’
Income Tax Facts: Top 400 U.S. taxpayers pay taxes equal to bottom 60 million U.S. taxpayers – yes, that is ‘400’ versus the bottom 60 million, and Obama says the wealthy does not pay their ‘fair share’
Nanny-State Govt: Obama adminstration trying to get states and Fed. government to ban cell phones and driving - an unenforceable law that "elites" will ignore
Biased Media: Major networks continue to use flawed ‘exit’ polls to push a liberal spin even after the vote was called
Union Failure: Over 35% of union voters voted for Wisconsin’s Gov. Walker – even union members are sick & tired of Big Labor antics
Left/Liberal/Progressive Failure: The Wisconsin voters confirmed American democracy by refusing to yield to the special interest union groups – voters sick & tired of watching special interests pig-out at taxpayer trough
Left/Liberal/Progressive Failure: The Democrats lie in the smoldering wreckage of Wisconsin – and Obama’s policies led them there
Stupid Elites: Democrat Barney Frank is now saying other Democrats made huge mistake in Wisconsin – ya think?
The Tea Party: The votes in Wisconsin & California prove the power of the Tea Party message – common sense and basic math government, get spending under control
More Democrat Corruption: The chairman of D.C.’s council charged with bank fraud – media hides his party affiliation
Incompetent Govt: Obama administration revealed secret operational details of Bin Laden raid – livid Defense Secretary literally told them to S.T.F.U.
Incompetent Govt: Both Democrats & Republicans blast Obama on leaks of classified info
Incompetent Govt: Obama’s failed green policies of destroying fossil fuel industry & jobs not a winner with voters
Communism Failure: China forbids international tourism to Tibet – but the NYTimes’s Tom Friedman thinks we should be more like China
Stupid Elites: The Democrats favorite economic advisor, Paul Krugman, just makes a fool of himself again and again
Biased Media: What the mainstream media has not reported about the Trayvon Martin case
Some Good News/Helpful Ideas: If you like Windows XP or Win7, don’t even think of wasting your money on Windows 8 – it won’t even support CD/DVDs
Some Good News/Helpful Ideas: DHA, an Omega3 fatty acid, inhibits prostate cancer new study says
Some Good News/Helpful Ideas: A free and easy means to share files & images on the web