Voter Fraud: For Michelle Obama's book signing you'll need a photo ID - but it's racist to require a photo ID for voting say Democrats
Anti-Military: Obama decides not to commemorate D-Day – chooses instead to go to California to fundraise
Left/Liberal Hate: Obama Democrat refuses to rent apartment to veteran of Iraq & Afghanistan – DOJ’s Holder not likely to protect civil rights of veterans
Obamacare Fail: NYTimes poll reveals that 66% of Americans wants Supreme court to overturn Obamacare
Clueless Democrats: Nancy Pelosi says Obamacare represents 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' - literally, out-of-touch with public reality
Left/Liberal Stupidity: Watch Democrat pundits & media stars prove how incredibly stupid they are – what they said before the Wisconsin recall vote
Incompetent Govt: Obama’s administration gives $2 million Federal grant to doctor under Federal investigation – honestly, the incompetence is literally stunning
Stupid Elites: The leaders of Greece and Stockton, California have something in common – uncontrolled spending by the “elites”
Failed Leadership: Country is in severe economic pain yet Obama spends one-third of his working days on election fund raising – the other two-thirds he plays golf or vacations
Out-Of-Control Spending: Obama has country on path to triple U.S. debt in a single generation
The Tea Party: Wisconsin recall victory proves Tea Party effective at winning over voters – contrast that to Elizabeth Warren’s ‘Occupiers’ who primarily focus on anarchy, rape & pillage
Terrorism's Roots? Muslim countries lead the world in negative emotions – anyone surprised by this?
Left/Liberal Violence: Obama’s DOJ notified for need to address the ‘SWATing’ violence against conservative commentators – DOJ’s Holder not likely to protect civil rights of conservative/Republican victims
Incompetent Govt: Obamacare will be another expensive disaster & fiasco – just like every previous bi government, bureaucratic-managed effort
Spoiled Elites: Hollywood bimbo-actress wants Obama to fire the cop that arrested her for DUI – nope, we’re not kidding
Incompetent Govt: Cyber attack exposes personal data of 120,000 Federal employees
Overregulation: Big Govt. politicians want to wrap private businesses in more red tape with cyber security regs. – maybe the Feds should try securing their own computers first, no?
Incompetent Govt: Obamacare subsidy costs increase by $111 billion – that’s before Obamacare is even implemented
Small Business Destroyer: Obama proposes new burdensome and costly regulations on small shrimp boats – indeed, Obama does excel at something - destroying careers & livelihoods
Incompetent Govt: Obama’s economic and overregulation polices produces 17% unemployment for young adults
Some Good News/Ideas: Despite Obama’s moronic attitude & policies toward those “evil” fossil fuels, they will lead the U.S. to new era of prosperity
Some Good News/Ideas: If you have a LinkedIn account, it’s definitely time to change your password
Some Good News/Ideas: After 70 years of trying, a dengue vaccine may finally happen