Maryland recently suffered from very extended power outages that revealed how badly the state's infrastructure has deteriorated under Democrat policies - but Democrat Gov. O'Malley refuses to take responsibility and blames a convenient scapegoat - "global warming"
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Read here. NASA has just published their June global temperature dataset, which the adjacent plot represents. Over the last 15 years (180 months), global warming has almost been non-existent. Despite the huge growth in CO2 emissions (grey line), the global temperatures trend is essentially flat (blue curve).
Note that June global temperatures slightly declined from May.
And according to the latest NOAA-NCDC data, during that same 15-year time period, U.S. temperatures were actually on a cooling trend - to the tune of a minus 1.9F degrees per century.
The above empirical evidence from major climate research agencies clearly does not support the anti-science proclamations of Democrat Gov. O'Malley.
Truth be told, as history has abundantly recorded, Maryland is often lashed by large storms coming out of the Midwest that produce much destruction and a lot of unfortunate deaths. And these powerful, destructive storms actually took place well before large human CO2 emissions and the bogus claims of destructive global warming: examples include, 1946 and 1954.
Of course, in the past, Democrat politicians did not so eagerly embrace and promulgate anti-science doomsday fears so as to cast blame away from themselves. But Gov. O'Malley is the epitome of today's hysterical, fear-mongering Democrat who blames but does not fix. As is typical, he is unable and unwilling to pull up his state's bootstraps and promise to fix a decrepit electric power infrastructure, which, by the way, happened under his watch.
Let's be brutal here: O'Malley is nothing more than a white-Obama - a big government incompetent and anti-science shill providing no critical leadership.
Additional modern temperature charts.