The Democratic Governor of New York makes grossly stupid statement about New York state never being the victim of hurricanes and strong storms before - or, is he just another in a long line of pathological liars that dominates the political "elites"?
(click image to read article)
The stupidity of liberal Democrat political class never ceases to amaze. Sadly, this gross stupidity, so lionized by the likes of "journalist" Jon Stewart and the mainstream media, assures that incompetent politicians are never held accountable for the lack of proper disaster preparedness and inept recovery efforts.
Putting aside the incredible ineptness of FEMA and NY/NJ state disaster recovery failures, it is well documented and, quite frankly, irrefutable that bad storms and hurricanes have struck the U.S. East coast, prior to the liberal fear-mongering of CO2, global warming and climate change. In fact, one can find thousands of disastrous weather events well before the 1960's.
In addition, it is also well documented that recent "global warming" and CO2 levels were not the cause of Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy. Whether it's "ocean warming" or "atmospheric warming," the empirical evidence is unequivocal - global temperatures have been flat to declining over the last 15 years.
Temperature & climate charts. Previous severe weather and hurricane postings.