The NCDC (an agency of NOAA) publishes global ocean temperature records, which confirm that global warming of the oceans did not cause Hurricane Sandy - in fact, their most recent temperature measurements reveal that ocean temperatures have actually remained flat over last 15 years (thru September 2012), while CO2 levels have increased
(click on images to enlarge)
The chart on the left is a plot of global ocean temperatures for the 15-year period (180 months) ending September 2012. Clearly, since late 1997, global warming of the oceans has not happened and thus can not be the cause of Hurricane Sandy. (Unfortunately, some incredibly dishonest politicians and pundits have actually stated that anthropogenic global warming was the cause.)
The plot on the right represents ocean temperatures for the 15-year period ending September 1997. This chart depicts a modest warming trend of ocean waters, including an increase of CO2 levels.
When comparing the two different 15-year time periods, the following can be ascertained:
- CO2 levels for 15-year period ending Sept 2012: Increased by 30 ppm
- Ocean linear temperature trend equates to: +0.007 degree increase by year 2100
- Polynomial trend and 3-year average indicate a cooling is in process
- Polynomial trend and 3-year average indicate a cooling is in process
- Ocean linear temperature trend equates to: +0.007 degree increase by year 2100
- CO2 levels for the 15-year period ending Sept 1997: Increased by 22 ppm
- Ocean linear temperature trend equates to: +1.10 degree increase by year 2100
- Polynomial trend and 3-year average confirmed a warming trend during this previous 15-year period
- Ocean linear temperature trend equates to: +1.10 degree increase by year 2100
Conclusions: The growing increases of atmospheric CO2 levels have not caused a global warming of the oceans over the last 15 years. Global warming was not the cause of Hurricane Sandy, which was essentially a typical weather hurricane that naturally occurs.
Additional temperature & climate charts.