Anti-science, partisan scientists have done severe damage to the reputations and public trust of most major American science institutions and universities - an example of progressive Democrat scientists pushing an anti-science agenda is the claim that atmospheric CO2 growth would cause accelerated, dangerous global temperature warming, extreme climate change and violent storm hasn't happened
(click on charts to enlarge- data sources for 'C3' chart)
U.S. scientists have never been so consistently wrong, while so vehemently denying they have been wrong, despite all the objective empirical evidence that clearly shows they have been wrong - partisanship science run amok.
Case in point: climate scientists' claims that higher CO2 levels cause accelerated warming and dangerous climate change, resulting in more severe and frequent weather disasters, per their C-AGW hypothesis.
- One, the top chart on the left is a plot of U.S. monthly temperatures since 1895 and global atmospheric CO2 levels. As the chart depicts, CO2 levels have had spectacular growth but U.S. temperatures exhibit no trait of the long predicted rapid acceleration (note the rather stable red curve representing the 5-year moving average).
- Two, the top right chart shows the the number of extreme violent tornadoes on the decline since the 1970's, contrary to "consensus" science forecasts.
- Three, the bottom left graph plots the 'power dissipation' of hurricanes that made landfall on U.S. coasts, which has also declined over the last few years, revealing no trend up/down since 1900. Note the reduction of this metric for 2012, which government scientists have stated to be the warmest year ever for the U.S.
- Finally, the lack of a robust CO2 impact on global weather events is depicted in the bottom right chart. Clearly, there has been no increase in the frequency of global cyclones. (And, global temperatures have also done squat versus the anti-science claims of partisan Democrat scientists.)
Conclusions: Climate science has become clown-science due to the politicization by left-wing ideologues. Atmospheric CO2 levels are not a primary driver of global warming, nor climate change/violent storms. Btw, that's not to say that CO2 has zero influence.
Note: The good news? There's at least one progressive Democrat scientist who refuses to parrot the politicized anti-science agenda; instead, he consistently challenges the misinformation emanating from Obama science agencies.
Additional modern temperature and severe-weather charts. Listing of severe-weather events.